Contact Us
The Nachala Settlement Movement is a Zionist grassroots movement whose members love the Land of Israel and continue to work to make Israel excel now and for future generations. Your moral and financial support will help to achieve our goals
How be a Member of The Team:
To donate online:
As of [date] you will be able to send funds via the PayPal platform: it’s easy, it’s safe, and it’s tax-deductible.
Your contributions may be in the form of Israeli shekels, US dollars, Canadian dollars and English pounds.
To send a check:​
If one prefers to donate via personal check; Send a short note and check to:
Jay Marcus
Central Fund of Israel
C/o Jmark Interiors Inc.
461 Central Avenue
Cedarhurst, NY 11516
In your note mention the donation is earmarked for The Nachala Settlement Movement.
Your contributions, regardless of the amount,
will help us achieve our common goals!