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Building in Historic Israel 21 Shevat 5783 (12 February 2023)

Israeli Government legalizes Nine Yishuvim

The Nahala Settlement Movement in response to the cabinet's decision this evening to legalize nine settlements.

The Nachala movement congratulates the Israeli government on the important decision made today to qualify nine settlements:

Mount Hebron: Avigayil, Asahel

Shomron: Shacharit, Givat Arnon

Binyamin: Givat Harel, Givat Haroeh, Malachei Hashalom

Gush Etzion: Mitzpeh Yehuda

Jordan Valley: Beit Chogla

This decision is an important achievement but it is not enough. Dozens of the "young settlements" have not yet been approved and no new settlement locations  have been approved.


These decisions will be an opening for the establishment of new settlements and an extensive state settlement program in all parts of Judea and Samaria.

The next immediate step is a return to Evyatar in accordance to an explicit commitment by the government.

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