Meet the Team

Daniella Weiss and Lital Slonim, Nachala Manager of Public Relations

Daniella Weiss
Director, The Nachala Settlement Movement
Daniella was born in Tel Aviv and grew up in Bnei Brak. There she was raised in the ideology of the Lehi Underground Movement. This served her as thebackground to all her communal undertakings. Together with her husband and young family they left the comforts of Greater Tel Aviv and moved to an abandoned army base in Kadum (present day Kedumim) in the Samarian Hills. In 1973 (after the Yom Kippur War), she met the late Rabbi Moshe Levinger who became her mentor. Between 1984 and 1988, Daniella served as the Secretary General of the Gush Emunim Movement. For 11 years Daniella was the Mayor of Kedumim. During this period, Kedumim expanded to include 13 separate neighborhoods and an industrial zone! Since 2007, Daniella, together with others, including the late Rabbi Levinger, established The Nachala Settlement Movement.