Mevaseret Adumim
Mevaseret Adumim, Linking the City of Maale Adumim to Jerusalem
Mevaseret Adumim, Israel (E-1, East-1) is an area immediately adjacent to
Jerusalem, which covers an area of 12,000 dunams (roughly 12 square kilometers
(4.6 sq mi) of largely uninhabited and mostly state-owned land. It is within the
municipal boundary of Maale Adumim.
The Israel Ministry of Housing, which devised the E-1 construction plan,
sought to develop the area in order to link Maale Adumim and its 42,000 residents
to Jerusalem. (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (jcpa.org); 24 May 2009).
The centerpiece of the E-1 program entails building about 15,000 residential
homes, police station, large industrial zone, hotels, and cemetery to be shared by
Jerusalem and Maale Adumim. (Wikipedia, 11 May 2013)
The Israeli interest, one that tends to be ignored by the international
community, is to bring E-1 to fruition by establishing contiguity between
Jerusalem in the west and Maale Adumim as well as the approaches to the Dead
Sea in the east, as part of a security belt of Jewish communities surrounding
Israel’s capital.
Without control of the E-1 area, Israel is apprehensive about a Palestinian
belt of construction that will threaten Jerusalem from the east, block the city’s
development eastward, and undermine Israel’s control of the Jerusalem-Jericho
road. This major artery is of paramount strategic importance for Israel in order to
transport troops and equipment eastward and northward via the Jordan Rift Valley
in time of war, and this road is already subject to growing pressure from unchecked
Palestinian building. (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (jcpa.org); 24 May 2009).